2011년 1월 26일 수요일

Wacky Web Tales 2

I used http://www.eduplace.com/tales/ to write funny stories. 

I recommend you to visit and write your own stories. 
'Computer is Sweet' ...

Game Show

“I'm Jason Barker and I'd like to welcome you to another episode of ‘The computer is sweet!’”
The audience applauds loudly.
“Our contestant is Olivia Lee, all the way from Mok-dongSeoul. Hello, Olivia Lee. Welcome to the show!”
“Thank you, Jason. I feel lovely to be here!”
“Well then, let's start the show. Our game for tonight is gooy. The object of the game is to guide the lap-top through the maze so that it lands on a number, from 2 to 9888. The higher the number, the more points you win. The more points you win, the better the prize. But the catch is, you get only one chance. Are you ready? Here's the lap-top. Have a go at it!”
The lap-top drops on the largest number.
“Well, Olivia Lee, you just won yourself a brand new ferrari! What do you think of that?”
“Well,” says Olivia Lee while jumping up and down, “That's great. Except, I'm only 14years old, so I can't drive it yet. But it will be really cool to be driven to school in it! Thanks!”
The audience applauds. Cut to commercial.

Those words doesn't make sense sometimes, so I changed the words..
"Well then, let's start the show. Our game for tonight is gooy. 
Haha.. I love the word gooy...

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