2012년 1월 10일 화요일

<GLPS and The Moon Princess>
GLPS has a legend. A legend that all students know but never say out loud. The legend was called, 'The Moon Princess' And one day, some students started to believe in the story which made the legend come true. The legend was like this.
The one who finds out the black pearls hidden in KMLA will live forever with the moonlight filled, moonish, moon princess. The black pearls are hidden in the place where only pure ones can enter. Ones whose mind is clear as a blue sky. The story goes back to the 19th century when there was nothing in Ganwondo- Hwengsung. There born the moon princess with peace all over. Soon, the peace broke by  rappers who started to rap. The moon princess said.
"Wow,what a wonderful trash sond I ever heard."
This made rappers to be mad at her. They started to make more noise.This behavior nerved the moon princess and made her to change the rappers into rock.
Clara,the student in GLPS made a decision to save the 19th century' KMLA and also the moon princess
She brought her friend Tim, who has a special splendid and super ability in sports. They found the black pearls finally.
Every life in KMLA received their freedom back,and they became free. They  started to greet Tim and Clara and be thankful to them.

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