2011년 2월 3일 목요일

New year's day

I wonder where you live. I live in Seoul, Korea(south).
This place is small, located near Japan and China.
Korea has been a global issue because of it's reunification,,,
also the attack from the North,,,

Those nations, Korea, Japan or China...(maybe others)
have 'New year's day' with lunar's day, not January 1st.
;lunar day changes every year

In Korea, I mean following the Korea's culture, children bow to their parents or grandparents and get money.
In my case, I'm going up to middle school. So, my parents and grndparents gave me a lot of money.
(also cousins)

I earned a lot,,,,
 especially from my grandmothers..
 1- grandmother 
700 dollars
 2- grandmother in law
300 dollars

350 dollars from cousins.

My mom recommended to buy new desk-top but I kind-a refused. .. 
so,,, to conclude, I earned
700 + 300 + 350 = so, 1350 dollars!!

댓글 1개:

  1. Wow you cleaned up this year! Nice haul and I hope you spend that money wisely. Nice blog and keep blogging even though camp is over, okay? Good.;)
