2011년 2월 23일 수요일

mpoly debate - nature and nurture

I'll have a debate on nature versus nurture this thursday,,,
I gathered up some evidences that will support the nature side.^^

^^ This is about the twin studies and there are some evidences and examples. In addition,  Wallace is related to this topic. He says that he have had the professional lives that mirrored each other on the opposite side of the USA and they view that they're really similar. Which definitely shows the winning of Genetics, nature.

Some of the most conclusive twin study research has analyzed identical and fraternal twins who were raised apart. Researchers have sought to establish whether characteristics such as personality traits, aptitudes, and occupational preferences are the products of nature or nurture. Similar characteristics among identical twins reared apart might indicate that their genes played a major role in developing that trait. Different characteristics might indicate the opposite—that environmental influences assume a much stronger role. By comparing monozygotic and dizygotic twins, investigators can test their hypotheses and confirm the findings of earlier research. For example, if identical twins raised in different homes have many similarities, but fraternal twins raised apart have little in common, researchers may conclude that genes are more important than environment in determining specific characteristics, traits, susceptibilities, and diseases.

A Scandinavian twin study, "Environmental and Heritable Factors in the Causation of Cancer—Analyses of Cohorts of Twins from Sweden, Denmark, and Finland" (New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 343, no. 2, July 13, 2000), reported by Paul Lichtenstein et al., looked at nearly 45,000 pairs of twins to determine if the likelihood of developing certain kinds of cancers is more closely linked to environmental exposures than genetics. The results of this large-scale study revealed that environmental factors are linked to twice as many cancers as genetic factors. In fact, the risk of developing only three types of cancer (albeit some of the most common cancers)—breast, colorectal, and prostate cancers—show a significant genetic correlation.

For nature versus nurture debate, twin studies can be important evidence that supports the topic. There were twin studies and experiments before. The process was to split up the identical twins and see if they’re similar when they’re mature. Similar characteristics shown by their favors or maybe their human relationship will be essential for showing that genetics are strong. On the other hand, if they show the difference that means that environment is much stronger than the genetics.
Wallace Minder, a 76 year old identical twin have had participated an experiment that makes him and his brother to live in different places of USA and to mirror themselves, showed that they sometimes talk the same thing, they usually read the same type of books and they favor same kinds of things.

(Paragraph 2)

Twin Studies can be essential to support the nature part. Split identical twins can show whether the genetics is important or the other side, environment is important. There are few examples. The Scandinavian study shows the result by using the cancer problem. Breast, colorectal and prostate cancers show a significant genetic correlation. Also, Wallace Minder, a 76 years old twin had an experiment. Each brother lives in different area in USA and it has been shown that they favor similar book types or things and their relationship with other people were even similar which shows their characteristic is same. Which also proves that genetic is huge part of  determining human appearance, characteristic and even their relationship with others.  

댓글 2개:

  1. Good luck in your debate - or if it's already finished - hope you won:)

  2. Hey! It's Laila! Lily! You are still debating??? Wow... I envy you. How are you doing that? O-O If you got time, visit my blog! I have not updated much... but still! I have written some. Bye~
