2011년 1월 20일 목요일

<Debate - working is important than having fun>

This is the argument that our team used while we were working for the 2nd debate, called as "working is more important than having fun"

I was on the opposition side, the leader of opposition.

Our 1st argument is that by working too hard, people can be mentally and physically damaged.
 I brought evidences that can support our argument.

Stress is a term that refers to the sum of the physical, mental, and emotional strains or tensions on a person. Feelings of stress in humans result from usually interactions between people or by their business. So, we can relate that the hard working makes people exhausted and that causes people to be stressed out. By the high pressure of stress, social changes, environmental changes, economic changes and technological changes can happen.
Those stress can also lead you to serious disease as chronic anxiety when you think about the word ‘work’ or this can make you only think about work. Large amount of stress can stand you to struggle with cancer and shorten the oxygen that’s necessary to your body. There’s a possibility to die by cancer if you receive stress so much according to the International Health care Center. 
According to Hindustan Times, dr. Cheryl work stress can also cause people to suicide by their pressure of work. Which is better? Work or health? Most people say that being healthy is better than earning money. Of course then, we should have fun. They say the only way to cure yourself from being mentally stressed out is to laugh and be affairmative. But if people work again and do ot have any rest, they would be seriously damaged. Our team is pointing out that work would and will harm you.
We’re not stating that we should not work. However, we’re stating that we should rest sometimes to relax yourself and to make yourself protected. This concludes that it is more important and better to have fun.
I want to make sure once more that people should work but it’s more important for them to get you relaxed. And having fun makes you to be healthy.
Yes. Our team is not sure that everyone is pressured by their work. However, preparing does not make you worse. We all have possibility to be sick, someday. As this, evern though were not yet pressured by those work, we should respect those and try to be protective of yourself.

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