2011년 1월 23일 일요일

An Ode To My Lost Glasses

I lost my glasses last week. It has been only few months but it's gone!!
I decided to write an ode to my glasses that I loved(not really).
I tried to emphsize how important my glasses was to me (wasn't really important, though)
I used similies or repetitive words to make it clearer and more interesting.

[figurative language]
We usually use figurative language in the poetry. There are few examples as similies, personification or repetetion .
Similies - use 'as' or 'like' to expain something together
(ex) you sing like a bird, especially robin
Metaphor - directly relate 2 subjects
(ex) you are a butterfly, you dance lovely and softly
Personification - make non-human things into humans. It would be easire to understand this by the example bellow.
(ex) the tree dances
(ex 2) the book cries

Dear my lost Glasses

where are you, my glasses
lonely glasses
are you crashed or stepped
where are you, my glasses
are you crying or happy to live without me

no sign of shiny, shy and smiling little glasses
I don't see anything without you
you are my eyes
you were my flash in the dark night

are you sleeping in the ski- resort?
are you trashed in the trash can?

I regret myself who lost you
I never meant to as you never meant to be lost

to the one who finds my glasses,
to the on who has seen my glasses,
I would like to ask you what have you done to my glasses

in the snowy ski-resort, you're sleeping silently, without any sound

dear my lost glasses, dear my lovely glasses,
I hope you to realize that you was one of my life, sparkling and shining one

please come back to me

                                                                    By your master, Olivia
                                                                          this time,  as a friend

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