2011년 1월 6일 목요일

My first few days in GLPS

It's the third time for me to come to this camp.
So I'm familiar with some teachers and KMLA.
I want to bring good mementos.
There are few things that I feel bad about.
First, the way to our classes. It's too cold outside and I caught cold....
AAaaa cchooohh.
Second, it's also cold indoors. Even though I wear a lot, I feel cold..
I want the warmth!!
Lastly, we want to sleep more!!~~
The light turms off early and we need to go to the 11th floor.
Because the second period ends at 11 40, we sleep at 1 or 2 o' clock. (We need to wash and prepare for tomorow's class).

Even though there are many works to do, I think GLPS is the best camp over the world.
I like the meal we have, teachers and mostly ho do teachers teach us.
"Learning by experiences"  This is what I am learning and what I will learn.

댓글 2개:

  1. I added your blog Olivia! It's very cool by the way. I like your wallpaper and hope you continue updating everyday. Tell your classmates to do what you did. Good work! Keep warm and have fun.^^ - Mr. Garrioch

    I'm your roommate yu yeon!!
    I'm very suprized that you have a very good and neet blog..
    You have many interesting essays too!!
    Allways fighting~!!!+3+
