2011년 1월 26일 수요일

 Debate - Reunification of Korea (Government side)

Only 2 days left for the end...
Pretty sad. 
And this will be the last debate topic : Reunification of Korea will improve the quality of life.
Hope this is useful. 
Our class 22!! Our team 22A!! Fighting~

Government speech

The process towards the Korean reunification started by the June 15th, with the North and South Korean declaration in 2000. This time, two countries agreed to work toward a peaceful unification in the future. However there are a number of difficulties in reality.
Hello, ladies and gentlemen? My name is Olivia and we’re here to debate about the topic on ‘reunification of Korea will improve the quality of life’. I’ll be the prime minister of the government side.
As the prime minister, I would like to
1 make the roadmap of our each team members.
2 define the proposition and explain the current status
3 Explain the arguments of our team and elaborate the 1st argument
So! Our government side’s members are DPM, W and R.
Our DPM will elaborate on the lasting arguments and bring rebuttals
W will make rebuttals toward the opponents
R will conclude our side’s arguments and show the reasons of our team’s victory

From now on, I would like to define the topic and provide the current status.
Economy, financial profits, life style, health, education, individual freedom or common reputation can be the important sources for quality of life. The main theme for the improvement of life goes to both South Korea and North Korea that views the average improvement of quality in life. Those questions can lead the importance.
Is it stable? Can that fully help the economy? Does that harm people? What do others think about this?
North Korea and South Korea were divided up by Russia and US, seeking for the particular profits from Korean peninsula. Korea never meant to divide up. The reunification of 2 Koreas seem pretty distant because it can only happen when these power are willing to yield their control. It’s too obvious that 2 Koreas are one nation sharing the same blood. Unification calls for some sacrifice and humility. It has been shown that 58% of South Korean business men which is over than half agreed to unify the nation.
From now on, I would like to briefly go over our 3 arguments.
Reunification would develop the economy with stability of society. Education will improve and common reputation will be better.
I would like to support my first argument by using the following points ; Global development, resources and weapons.
According to Dr, Jason shim, the professor of Pittsburgh university argues that we need to reunify to take more profits over the economy.
If Korea unify, we can build railroad that leads North Korea, Russia and Europe. As we use railroad to go over by land, we can get profits from these. By not using the railroad, we should spend 5 million won to go by the airplane. But if we build the railroad, we can only 1 million won to go by the train. By using railroad, Korea can become as the global leading country saving financial profits at the center. Why would Japan, China and USA disagree with us to develop the railroad? It’s because it’s beneficial for our economy. It shows how worth this is.

North Korea lacks for their technology but it has been proven that they have a lot resources.
According to nationsencyclopedia.com, recently written in may 22nd, 2010, it shows that North Korea brings significant quantity of mineral resources. It says North Korea has amount including the world’s largest deposits of magnetite.
Also, according to the EIN news, written on January 16th, 2011, North Korea plans huge economic development investing 100 billion dollars for some areas as agriculture or mineral resources. So, these projects will make out wealth.
Lastly, according to boomberg.com and world fact fas.org, Korea brings huge amount of money for weapons. Self propelled howitzer costs 4.5 million dollars. K 10 AMDC costs 3.8 million dollars. As this, weapons cost a lot. Submarine or army air force cost much more. But if we reunify, these weapons are not necessary. The unstable society can have example as Yeon-peong do attack as president Obama views North Korea as a big threat. Those led consequences as South Korean’s threat or increased price or taxes. Other countries view our country as divided countries with criticisms or powerless country. By reunification, we can reach to come parts more, as I said before, globally.

Related, North Korea often gives damages to our society or government, making the rise of prices. But if we reunify, we don’t need to worry about this. The stability of the society will be surely proven to citizens.

By those points, our team strongly agrees with the proposition. Next the DPM will continue claiming what we believe for.  

댓글 1개:

  1. oooowwohhhh~!!
    The last debate....
    I hope our team works together..
