2011년 1월 10일 월요일


Before I write the story,  I would like to talk about few points.
First, I believe that this make sense. This story usually talks about brave and the truth. Secondly, I usually liked how the story went on. Angella, June, Laila and Gahyun were great writers. I liked the conclusion part. Jake told us to be brave and we should work for the truth even that's forbidden. Lastly, I tried to change the story differently. I thought it would be better if the witch tells the truth that she wanted the beauty of the princess. I really like how my friends continued this writing!!(I partially changed the parts.)

Chain Writing - Wakawaka palace

 It was dark stormy night in Wakawaka palace. Wakawaka palace is located in the planet called 'Walnuta' and the storm meant another sacrifice to Wakawakanians. To Wakawakanians, '13' meant something special. 13 years ago, there lived a beautiful princess called Julia and one day, Julia was murdered by the witch who wanted the beauty of the princess. The witch became beautiful but, nobody knew that the witch killed the princess. After Julia's funeral, extremely strong strom passed. Citizens believed that Julia made stormy and cold weather to express her unfairness. The witch said the only way to satisfy her is to kill beautiful women. Citizens followed her order and 13 women were sacrificed each year. No one knew that the witch killed the princess except the evil witch.
    This time, many girls were sacrificed but the weather was sill bad. Many people feared. Parents told to their daughters to not come out because the soldiers will catch and kill them.

(The Wakawaka Palace)

There was a beautiful garden in the place called 'Nora'. There lived Ivaine, a beautiful girl. Ivaine was cleaning the garden with gloomy face. Ivaine's sister Lisa was killed to stop the strom. A boy named Jake came to her and asked "What are you doing here?" Ivaine stroke back. "Then  what are you doing here? You're supposed to go to the academy of Swordmaship." Jake responed with his wonderful voice with his special smile. "Few minute  break only helps me. Come on, let's go out." "I can't. I promised with my mom to stay here. If I go out, soldiers will take me to the palace and kill me.." Ivaine told him the truth that she fled  from the palace because whe didn't wanted to die. Jake hugged her. They were loving each other. Jake didn't wanted to save her and he used forbidden magic. He took out the magical marble that responds everything and asked, "What should I do to save Ivaine?" The magical marble answered that Jake whould kill the witch who actually murdered Julia. Jake was very surprised. Bravely, he killed the witch and saved her girl friend's life.
    Jake and Ivaine made clear that the witch killed Julia and became as a hero. Wakawaka palace was full of happiness...

                                          - THE END -

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