2011년 1월 17일 월요일

Amsterdam - Zanillya Mary Farell
(Out of My Window, Contrasting and Comparing essay)

 - this is where I got information about Zanylla, who lives in highrise. You can visit this place and also go to other neighbors' rooms. Enjoy!! 

I would like to compare and contrast my life with Zanillya Mary Farell, the artist. She lives in Bijlmermeer, Amsterdam.
To briefly talk about her, She lives in Bijlmermeer, Amsterdam. She moved here 11 years ago. In 1966, ambitious house experiment begun. 40000 houses were planned to be built. However, it failed. Few decades after,Bijlmermeer became as a new experiment in urban renewal. That's why Zanillya and her father came here.
To briefly talk about me, I live in Seoul, Korea, the capital of Korea. I was born here lived here for 13 years. I'm not really interested in music as Zanillya does. My future dream is to be a diplomat, so I learn foreign languages such as Chinese, English and Japanese.
There are 3 points I am going to compare with her ; religion, music and family. 
First, she introduces her house with small statues and decorations in the living room. There comes out Chinese statue that represents buddhism. And the picture below, Star of David which represents Jews. Also, the statue of golden god. This represents the chrisitianity. She believes that every religion is one. This idea has been also shown from the festival in Amsterdam. She said those religions pretty much brings what her life is about.
See full size imageI am different. I'm not religious. I just think that temples or chapels are the places where we go tour.

Second, she is an artist who composes and also performs the song. 'Strength From My Enemies'. This is the song she made. She says that she expressed her feelings by her song.
<Lyrics "Strngth from my enemies">

Hold on tightbelieve the lord gives the insight
the universe gave me inspiration on this rainy night
I felt like spreading my positive vibes
teaching all the children just to do it right...
Life lovers where my lovers
let me explain how this system tried to mess my brain
I saw the game that they want to play
when I start hearing the soul of the universe anyway

Different with her, I'm not really interested with music. Instead, I usually search out for clothes or models. I'm also interested to read poems, news, fictions or fantasy books. Instead of singing, I usually write things down to express something.

Lastly, our family differs. Zanillya lives with her father for more than 11 years. His father works in a band. I felt that Zanylla was proud of his father. She was influenced by her father to sing and rap. My father is a businessman as most fathers do. I'm also proud of my dad (maybe my dad is proud of me), loving him the most. It seems that Zanylla is having difficulties sometimes. She says that her father helps her the most when she needs him. My father shows how much he likes me by letters. Having similarities with my father shows that we are true family. For Zanillya, music is the way to communicate and show their minds with.  

Eventhough we spend our time in different subjects, we try to enjoy the time that we mostly spend. Her powerful voice showed me how confident she is and how proud she is about herself. Sometimes, I feel that I need to be more confident about something. My mom said, "If you think that something is very important to you, just go forward that. Be confident sometimes when it's necessary and think carefully to choose the right way." This matches with the story. I envy her about the point that she can go out for stage sometimes and can sing infront of people.

"Zanillya, thank you for showing your life simply. I'll remember to be confident sometimes, thinking about your lyrics."

Conclude, I recommend you  to see this video. Have a look

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